Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Drama Production

Valley Oaks performed two plays, Adventures in Neverland, and Without the Book. Both plays were written by Valley Oaks home schooled boys. Adventures in Neverland was one of those plays you just had to laugh. It was based on Peter Pan and his adventures in Neverland with a little twist as it was Patty Pan (a girl) and the lost girls (not boys) who had the adventures avoiding pirates.

The second play, Without the Book, was it's own story about how an evil sorcerer wanted to have control of all the fair tales and make sure there were no more happily ever after endings. It was a hodge podge of characters ranging from the Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and of course Prince Charming--although two characters were battling for this title.

Directed by Gerri Woessner, Valley Oaks Drama Director, the plays were a huge success and loved by everyone who came.

The most exciting part for our family was seeing Amy starring as one of the lost girls in Adventures in Neverland. Never shy to the stage, she did outstanding acting and speaking her part with confidence and poise. It's a play you'll have to get a video copy to enjoy yourself.

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